Early Childhood Programs

preschool students

Western Dubuque Community School District (WDCSD) offers high-quality four-year-old preschool through the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant (SWVPP). The grant allows both our Western Dubuque District public schools and partnering sites to offer a minimum of 10 hours weekly free quality preschool programming to four-year-old children in the community at varying locations throughout the district (QPPS 10.1).   

Free programming is available Monday-Wednesday with an optional fourth day (Thursday) for $145 per month.  

The maximum class size is 20 students with an adult to child ratio of 1:10 maintained at all times including indoor time, outdoor time and field trips (QPPS 3.9,10.4).

Our preschool programs include students with disabilities and unique learning needs at all sites. It is our belief that inclusion in our programs will enrich the experience for teachers, students, children, and their families.

District Preschool Sites

Western Dubuque Sites

Partnering Sites

Cascade Elementary: 563-663-9639

Aquin: 563-852-3331

Dyersville Elementary: 563-663-9641

LaSalle: 563-870-2405

Farley Elementary: 563-663-9652

NICC: 563-556-5110

Epworth Elementary: 563-663-9653

Seton: 563-556-5967

Peosta Elementary: 563-663-9320

Xavier: 563-875-7376

preschool children playing


  • Four years of age on September 15 of the upcoming school year for preschool

  • Five years of age on September 15 of the upcoming school year for Transitional Kindergarten

  • Preference given to families residing within the district

  • Out-of-district families can complete pre-registration and an Open Enrollment request

  • Pre-registration does not guarantee placement

Preschool Registration

Pre-registration begins January 6th, 2025 at noon and runs until the official registration window opens.

  • All pre-registrations and official registrations for preschool are completed online. Our buildings are available for computer or Internet access.

  • Date and time of pre-registrations are recorded. Spots are filled based on these time stamps.

  • All requested information must be filled out for an application to be considered. Applications with missing or invalid information will not be considered.  Have the following information available:

    • Student Name (First and Last) 

    • Student Birth Date 

    • Student Address (Street and City) 

    • Western Dubuque Community School District School (public institutions) school of choice 

    • Yes/No if you would like to be considered for other WDCSD public schools if registration is full at school of choice. 

    • Yes/No if placed on a waiting list for WDCSD public schools if you would like your information shared with one of our Statewide Voluntary Preschool Partner Sites (Aquin, LaSalle, Seton, Xavier, NICC, Head Start)

    • Your Name 

    • Your Preferred email for communication

    • Your Preferred phone number for communication

  • A district or building official will begin contacting families after the pre-registration window to explain next steps and status of the application.

  • Official registration begins on February 10, 2025.

Click here or go to  https://forms.office.com/r/7NWgAHtHk7 to access the pre-registration form. Accessing this form before the pre-registration date and time will result in an error message.

Transitional Kindergarten Registration

Due to limited spots in Transitional Kindergarten, your child is not guaranteed a spot. If your child does not get into TK, they will be placed in a Kindergarten classroom at their home school. If you are considering enrolling your child in Transitional Kindergarten, we encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher with any further questions.

Register your student for Transitional Kindergarten when the general registration window opens on 7:30 AM on Monday, February 10, 2025. There will be a link for pre-register for TK that will be available on February 10th.

On or after registration day

Click here or go to  [https://forms.office.com/r/KUcQ9kEVqQ] to access the TK interest form. Accessing this form before the pre-registration date and time will result in an error message.

About Transitional Kindergarten


Kelly Simon

Director of Elementary Education

(563) 258-7134

Email Kelly Simon

Mary Boge

Administrative Assistant Student Services

(563) 744-3885 ex 6030

Email Mary Boge